[Pythonmac-SIG] IDLE Problem on MachoPython with native Aqua Tkinter

Tony Lownds tony@lownds.com
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 11:42:49 -0700

>Please tell me that there is some way to get around this behavior. 
>Is there a workaround that still allows the tooltips to be shown, 
>but have the shell window retain the input focus?

Annoying isn't it? A workaround is possible, but I have not not 
finished a patch to IDLE.

MacTk has long had an undocumented command to change the "window 
style". For instance,

::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle style $top floating sideTitleproc

Jim Ingham graciously and recently added a "help" window style to Tk 
CVS. That should make the tooltips work beautifully.

So, if you do a CVS checkout and build of Tcl/Tk, and patch IDLE like

Tools/idle/ToolTip.py line 46 or so:

         tw.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
+       # need a good "if" statement
+       tw.tk.call("::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle", "style",
+                     tw._w, "side", "none")

It should fix that problem.
