[Pythonmac-SIG] Applescript Confusion?

Bill Bedford billb@mousa.demon.co.uk
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 13:25:26 +0000

At 1:51 pm +0100 05/03/02, Jack Jansen wrote:

>On Tuesday, March 5, 2002, at 01:10 , Bill Bedford wrote:
>>>>>   import Freehand
>>>>>   fh = Freehand.Freehand(start=1, timeout=10*60*60)
>>>>>   fh.open(Freehand.file('Holkham:Coaches:BRW:BWK8003 Conflat L'))
>>  Traceback (most recent call last):
>>    File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>>  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'file'
>Mmm. And if you open the freehand dictionary in script editor, does 
>"file" show up? If it does show up then there's a bug in 
>gensuitemodule. If it doesn't show up then I misunderstand (again) 
>how it should work and you should indeed import StdSuites too.

No file doesn't show up. In fact Freehand does not have a Standard 
suite dictionary.


Bill Bedford

You can win or you can have peace, but not at the same time.