[Pythonmac-SIG] Wanted: working example of CFBundleTypeRole Shell

John W Baxter jwblist@olympus.net
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 10:12:31 -0800

At 14:30 +0100 3/8/2002, Jack Jansen wrote:
>I'm going to think about the problem a bit more: it's solved for the
>command line case already, and for the finder case (doubleclicking a .py
>file) I'm not so sure anymore that what you want if you double click a
>.py file is running it, a case could be made that you really want to
>open it in the IDE.

Actually, I probably want to open it in Emacs.  But I don't think you need
to cater to my whims.  ;-)

As to edit vs execute, I would say "execute" because:

I can put an icon for the IDE in my doc, and drag/drop when I want to edit.
(But can I?...can I craft a dock icon which runs the IDE rather than
editing it...is the IDE itself a .py file?)

All in all, an interesting question.  Do the HIG say anything about what to
do about interpreted language source files?

John Baxter   jwblist@olympus.net      Port Ludlow, WA, USA