[Pythonmac-SIG] MachoPython 2.2.2 build question

Russell E Owen owen@astro.washington.edu
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 14:29:26 -0800

I cleared out everything Brian Lenihan suggested (except I left my 
MacPython 2.2 installation, which is in /Applications/Python 2.2) and 
tried again. After many attempts I am much closer. Python 2.2.2 
builds and can find aqua Tk, but I cannot figure out which file to 
exec to be able to bring Tk windows forward.

The trick was:
- Replace setup.py with the one from CVS
- Build as Brian Lenihan suggested:
./configure --framework-enable
sudo make frameworkinstall

As I say, that builds just fine (it puts no symlinks in 
/usr/local/bin, but that's easy to fix). Everything works just fine 
except that I cannot bring a Tkinter window to the front.

I tried to adapt Brian's pythonw shell script, but fear I am trying 
to exec the wrong file. Brian suggested the following (which works 
for 2.3a0):

However, although 2.2.2 builds a directory:
it doesn't contain a Python.app (it only contains three files: 
English.lproj Info.plist    version.plist).

So I tried:
exec /Library/Frameworks/Python/Versions/Current/bin/python
this works, but doesn't allow me to bring Tk windows forward.

Then I did a search for Python.app, but didn't find it. Nothing got 
stuffed in Applications, either. So at the moment I'm stumped.

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

Also, thanks to Andrew Shearer for his suggestions about XML. I've 
updated the 2.2.2 build instructions to include that. (But the 
instructions are clearly not yet read for prime time.)

-- Russell