[Pythonmac-SIG] ok, i am stumped!

kevin parks kp87@lycos.com
Sat, 05 Oct 2002 12:30:35 -0400

I made a little python script on OS X 10.2.1 like so:

#! /bin/env python
print 'hello kevin"

Saved the file and changed it to be executable, thusly:

$ chmod +x foo.py

Then tried to run my little file directly by just typing:

$ foo.py

And nothing happend. well actually i got the:
foo.py: Command not found.

message, So tried (just to see what happens):

[snowcat:~] kevin% /usr/bin/python2.2 foo.py

and even stranger the program seemed to exectute but no
output. I just got my prompt back.

I remember that i had this problem under
and could never solve it, since no one was using OS X, but
please someone must be trying to use UNIX python on OS X 
out of the box and knows shy this happens and how 
to fix it?

Any help? Anyone?

-kevin parks

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