[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: Let's do it completely different!

John W Baxter jwblist@olympus.net
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 21:26:48 -0700

At 15:04 -0700 10/23/2002, William Dozier wrote:
>On Wednesday, Oct 23, 2002, at 03:26PM, kevin parks <kp87@lycos.com> wrote:
>>Beside the terminal is a pretty cool app and *ever* mac will already
>>have one!
>Or not. Isn't the "BSD layer" install optional?

As has been explained to me (perhaps accurately), the BSD layer is optional
for licensing reasons.  Lots of things fail if it is not installed (many
installers, including from Apple, etc).  So it's not really optional.


John Baxter   jwblist@olympus.net      Port Ludlow, WA, USA