[Pythonmac-SIG] progress report...Tkinter no go with xfree86 either
Russell E Owen
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 16:21:46 -0700
I installed xfree86 using XonX's new installer "XFree86_4.2.0.1-10.2"
for MacOS 10.2. That went fine. My OroborOSX was already current so I
left it alone. I'd also already installed gnu readlines as per Dan
Wolfe's helpful posting.
I then build Python 2.2.1 using
% make clean
% make
% sudo make install
I don't recall seeing any outright errors, but did not save the
output. The results are a Python that supports readlines (yaay), but
that does NOT have Tkinter support. I get the usual error about
failure to load _tkinter.
I'm really surprised; I was sure this would work. Now I'm really
stuck. Is there any way to get Python 2.2.1 to work with Tkinter
under Jaguar?
-- Russell