[Pythonmac-SIG] Using Project Builder with Python & SWIG?

Donovan Preston dsposx@mac.com
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 17:15:29 -0700

This may be completely unhelpful, but back when I was building some 
simple extension modules I would use project builder to edit the .c 
files. I set up project builder to run "python setup.py build" as a 
build shell step, then set up the executable as "python mypyfile.py". 
Then, hitting run would build the c extensions, and start the python 
process. I believe I even got as far as being able to set breakpoints 
in the .c files for the extension module I was writing, and using the 
Project Builder debugger.

It's been about a year and a half since I did this. I'm sure if I 
looked hard enough I could dig out some old Project Builder projects 
off some archives to see how I had things set up.
