[Pythonmac-SIG] Has anyone running vtk+python on OSX?

Robb Brown brownr at ucalgary.ca
Fri Aug 1 12:47:40 EDT 2003

Have a look in your /Library/Frameworks and see if there's a  
Tcl.framework and Tk.framework there.  If not (or maybe even if there  
is) try downloading   

This is a dmg file that should mount itself.  There's a standard mac  
Package inside you can double click to install.  You have to have an  
admin password.

I'm about half way through building VTK now, but haven't gotten to the  
Tcl/Tk stuff yet so I don't know if this works or not.

On Friday, August 1, 2003, at 11:10 AM, Skip Montanaro wrote:

>     Robb> What version of gcc are you using?  What version of the Tk
>     Robb> framework?
> Whatever comes with OS X 10.2.6 plus whatever developer kit I have  
> loaded.
> Gcc tells me it's version 3.1 20020420.  I don't know how to determine  
> Tk
> version other than what's embedded in the path or the header files:
>     #define TK_MAJOR_VERSION   8
>     #define TK_MINOR_VERSION   4
>     #define TK_VERSION "8.4"
>     #define TK_PATCH_LEVEL  "8.4.1"
> I don't know if it's Aqua or not.  "aqua" doesn't appear in the Tk  
> header
> files.
>     Robb> I'm just starting my new VTK build.  Last time I compiled it  
> was
>     Robb> gcc 3.1 and AquaTk 8.4.1.  When I tried to upgrade to a  
> newer Tk
>     Robb> (8.4.2) without rebuilding VTK it crashed with a function
>     Robb> prototype error.  Obviously some reasonably major work was  
> done to
>     Robb> AquaTk between those two minor releases.  I'll try building  
> with
>     Robb> the newest version, but you might want to try going back to  
> 8.4.1.
> It appears I have 8.4.1, but I can't tell if it's AquaTk or not.
> Thx,
> Skip
Robb Brown
Seaman Family MR Center
Calgary, AB

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