[Pythonmac-SIG] building extensions for 2.3 (darwin build), and UUID generation

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Wed Dec 31 12:49:43 EST 2003

On Dec 31, 2003, at 12:33 PM, Paul Miller wrote:

>> Extension modules aren't packages, they're just single Mach-O bundle
>> files.  I assume from your mention of stationery that you're using
>> CodeWarrior.  In the target settings, "PPC Mac OS X Target" pane, you
>> should set "Project Type:" to "Bundle".  I'm not sure if it is
>> possible to specify the equivalent of the -bundle_loader flag for
>> Apple's Mach-O linker, and when I tried to compile an extension, I
> Okay, this makes sense.
> But, even though I have added the Python Framework to my project, it 
> doesn't find Python.h. Apparently there is more to this than meets the 
> eye (as is usual on the Mac - everything seems ten timers harder than 
> it should be).

#include <Python/Python.h> if you're doing it via framework and you 
haven't added the headers path specifically.

>> You can also try using distutils, it does a reasonable (though not
>> perfect) job.
> I'll try that.

distutils is the best way, because it compiles and links everything 
properly and it's also cross-platform.. but you will be using gcc not 

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