[Pythonmac-SIG] Python site

Chris chris at grabil.ca
Sat Jul 26 11:13:39 EDT 2003

I think the snake thing is too intrenched. It has nothing 
to do with the original Python which as you know refers to 
Monty Python's Flying Circus.

According to The BCC the program was to be called "Flying 
Circus"  (AKA the Red Baron) but it didn't seen to stick. 
While in production somebody came up with the term " Monty 
Python's Flying Circus" and the rest is history.

As the BBC says:

"But as planning for the series became more confused, the 
BBC management began to refer to the team as a 'flying 
circus' - inspired by the Red Baron's World War One fighter 
With the addition of the random moniker Monty Python, the 
name gained general approval. "

So we have a scripting language called Python and we are 
stuck with the snake.  I kinda wish it had been called 
"nudge, nudge, wink, wink" or SPAM,SPAM,SPAMMedy,SPAM or 
the "Dead Parrot".

Let me have a look at it. I have 30 years of graphics 
experience and love to do AQUA in Photoshop! 

Still need your ideas though...

Chris Dwyer

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