[Pythonmac-SIG] MacPython logo

Bob Savage bobsavage at mac.com
Sat Jul 26 15:49:51 EDT 2003

On Friday, July 25, 2003, at 07:43 PM, Rob Bedford wrote:

> And I vote for a flying rabbit for the icon :-)

Someone willing to think different! Just because people have made a 
snake the symbol of Python, doesn't mean we need to follow.

I don't have any strong opinions, except for the point Jack made: once 
established, it's use should be consistent.

As to drawn or photo-realistic, I agree with what someone (Kevin?) said 
about the point being that it looks good and that that is not the same 
as photo-realism. Now "cartoony" does seem to imply a low quality, but 
"hand drawn" could be just as high quality, and even more so than a 

I think we have three main options:
	(1) a snake
	(2) a symbol referring to a classic sketch, (e.g. weight, rabbit, 
cheese shop)
	(3) a tribute to a cast member (e.g. Idle)

#1 (Snake) has the following drawbacks
	There is the general ickiness factor that has been reported here 
(although I don't care, it is apparently is a big deal for many people).
	Also what does one think of when one thinks of a python, dangerous, 
cold ... the best thing you might say would be powerful. All of this 
works in the Linux community, but is inappropriate (IMHO) for the 
Mac-using crowd.
	Obvious, done to death, does nothing to distinguish the Mac version.

#2 (Sketch reference) seems to have the following potential drawbacks:
	Could be obscure.
	Could be difficult to express iconically (the Spanish Inquisition as 
an icon?)
#3 (Cast tribute) The biggest drawback here seems to be that you have 
to either use a symbol that at least seems like a pun on one of their 
names (and none seem obvious to me -- chap man?) or you need to use a 
portrait (drawing or photo) of them, which would get into licensing 
issues better left unearthed.

I think we should explore option number two deeper, come up with a list 
of likely candidates, and then let people try to do come up with 
representations at or above the AQUA icon Max, as well as scaled 
versions for display at smaller resolutions, then if something stands 
out as a strong contender we'll know it.

BTW, anyone wondering if the weight could be done as a nice looking 
graphic should check this out:

For someone wondering what to try drawing/imaging, how about one of 
"Hell's Grannies"?


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