[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: MacPython-OS9 2.3b1 - No OS9 or OS8.6 reports yet

Richard Collins richardac@mac.com
Sat May 3 19:18:28 EDT 2003

Hello Jack,

Some slightly different results: G4 desktop running 9.2.2, after having 
changed the RAM allocation for the IDE to 64001K (see below). These 
results are having booted into 9.2.2, not running classic.

200 tests OK.
5 tests failed:
     test_descr test_imp test_logging test_socket test_tempfile
48 tests skipped:
     test_al test_atexit test_bsddb test_bsddb3 test_bz2 test_cd
     test_cl test_commands test_crypt test_curses test_dbm test_dl
     test_email_codecs test_fcntl test_fork1 test_gl test_grp
     test_imgfile test_ioctl test_largefile test_linuxaudiodev
     test_locale test_mmap test_mpz test_nis test_normalization
     test_openpty test_ossaudiodev test_pep277 test_poll test_popen
     test_popen2 test_posix test_pty test_pwd test_resource test_signal
     test_socket_ssl test_socketserver test_sunaudiodev test_tarfile
     test_timeout test_timing test_unicode_file test_univnewlines
     test_urllibnet test_winreg test_winsound
1 skip unexpected on mac:
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<input>", line 1, in ?
   File "MacHD1:Applications (Mac OS 9):MacPython-OS9 
2.3b1:Lib:test:regrtest.py", line 334, in main
     sys.exit(len(bad) > 0)
SystemExit: True

Before changing the memory setting, I experienced some instability. 
Here is the end of the log

117 tests OK.
108 tests failed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<input>", line 1, in ?
   File "MacHD1:Applications (Mac OS 9):MacPython-OS9 
2.3b1:Lib:test:regrtest.py", line 301, in main
   File "MacHD1:Applications (Mac OS 9):MacPython-OS9 
2.3b1:Lib:test:regrtest.py", line 531, in printlist
     from textwrap import fill

this also brought up a different window with a message like "no memory 
for new parser" appearing several times

the first two tests crashing with Memory error were:

test test_pep277 crashed -- exceptions.MemoryError:
test test_pickle crashed -- exceptions.MemoryError:

The nasty bit is that after changing the memory setting and repeating 
the tests, things got worse. the IDE crashed, and pretty hard, with a 
type 2 error.

After restarting and trying the tests again, there was another failure 
which brought up a traceback window, which I was not able to copy or 
save from, but I did get a screen dump. I tried a "post mortem", but 
this froze the machine.

After the next restart, I got the following stuff on starting the IDE, 
so I had to reinstall.

XXX rds_object called with exception set
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "MacHD1:Applications (Mac OS 9):MacPython-OS9 
2.3b1:Lib:warnings.py", line 6, in ?
     import sys, re, types
   File "MacHD1:Applications (Mac OS 9):MacPython-OS9 2.3b1:Lib:re.py", 
line 5, in ?
     from sre import *
   File "MacHD1:Applications (Mac OS 9):MacPython-OS9 2.3b1:Lib:sre.py", 
line 98, in ?
     import sre_parse
   File "MacHD1:Applications (Mac OS 9):MacPython-OS9 
2.3b1:Lib:sre_parse.py", line 16, in ?
     import string, sys
EOFError: EOF read where object expected

Hope this helps!

One other thing that may skew these results, is that after my first 
install, and investigating to see if the icons were still being 
positioned over each other, I ran the ConfigurePython script. It was 
only when I saw what it did that I realised, the installer has already 
done this. So some of the above trouble could have been caused by 
ConfigurePython being run twice ?

BTW, I'm not going to see my mail for a while after tonight.

best regards

Richard Collins

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