[Pythonmac-SIG] Python Editor for Mac

Christopher Fonnesbeck chris at fonnesbeck.org
Tue Nov 11 12:15:26 EST 2003

I also use SubEthaEdit for python (and FORTRAN) coding, and enjoy it 
very much. I was hoping to use Xcode, but it does a poor job of even 
simple things like remembering my python code is to be indented 4 
spaces, while my FORTRAN code needs 6 spaces. Very poor indenting, and 
no python debugging, which makes its use as an IDE pointless. So far 
emacs is the only OSX editor that I've seen that integrates pdb for 

Christopher J. Fonnesbeck ( c h r i s @ f o n n e s b e c k . o r g )
Georgia Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Georgia

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