[Pythonmac-SIG] [ann] AppScripting 0.1.0

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Wed Nov 19 08:38:46 EST 2003

On Nov 19, 2003, at 4:11 AM, has wrote:

> Jack wrote:
>> Was this done in parallel, or are there specific things you don't 
>> like about aeve?
> Aeve constructs scripting interfaces in much the same way as 
> gensuitemodule, assembling and compiling source code to create a bunch 
> of classes and commands to represent the classes and commands listed 
> in an application's dictionary. This works, but it's rather 
> complicated and labour-intensive, and it fills your site-packages 
> folder with a ton of application-specific gsm-generated modules which 
> seems a bit untidy.

This isn't true at all!  aeve never ever writes a file to disk unless 
you're running the suite generator or doc generator.  The compiler 
compiles directly to in-memory Python modules (creates 
classes/modules/etc on the fly without exec/eval).  The introspector 
and doc generator run *after* this merely by introspecting what had 
been created.

gensuitemodule does work as you describe, though.


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