[Pythonmac-SIG] Installing Modules in MacPython 2.3

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Tue Sep 2 10:46:03 EDT 2003

On Tuesday, Sep 2, 2003, at 09:36 America/New_York, Jörg Kantel wrote:

> Dear all,
> maybe I'm a little bit thumb or I didn't understand the package  
> manager as I should -- but I want to install piddle  
> (<http://piddle.sourceforge.net/>) within MacPython 2.3 (Mac OS X) and  
> I don't know why. Whether I know how to install additional packages to  
> the package manager by myself (because piddle isn't in the standard  
> managers database and it isn't in the only other database I know  
> (<http://undefined.org/python/pimp/darwin-6.6-Power_Macintosh.plist>).  
> And still copying the piddle package to
> Library/Frameworks/Python.fraameworks/Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/site- 
> packages

That won't work for C extensions in source form.  I'm pretty sure  
piddle is a C extension.  What you need to do is run "sudo python2.3  
setup.py install" from the terminal in the folder of the downloaded  

> in analogy to the "Extensions" Folder in older MacPython Distributions  
> didn't work (for me).
> So please: Ho can I install piddle in MacPython 2.3 and -- for further  
> purposes -- how can I add packages to the package manager by meyself?

You can not add packages to the package manager yourself, package  
manager is a list of packages that someone else maintains.  I'll look  
into adding it to my package manager database (the one at  
undefined.org) sometime soon.

> Or (far more general): How to install python modules within MacPython  
> 2.3 (OS X) which are not listened in any package manager database?

I answered this above.

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