[Pythonmac-SIG] Additional binary packages for Python2.3 on 10.2.6

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Thu Sep 4 18:03:44 EDT 2003

On Wednesday, Sep 3, 2003, at 02:35 America/New_York, Bob Ippolito 

> I've done another update to my Package Manager repository, which is at:
> 	http://undefined.org/python/pimp/darwin-6.6-Power_Macintosh.plist
> The current package list, new or updated packages are marked with an 
> asterisk:
> 	sdl_pygame_deps-1.2.5-binary (dependencies for pygame, SDL, smpeg, 
> etc.)
> 	aeve-0.0.2-binary (my pythonic AppleEvent package, you should wait 
> for 0.0.3 though)
> 	mxBase-2.0.4-binary
> 	PIL-1.1.4-binary (should have freetype2, libjpeg, libtiff statically)
> 	pyOpenSSL-0.5.1-binary
> 	ctypes-0.6.2-binary
> 	pycrypto-1.9a6-binary
> 	*Twisted-1.0.7rc1-binary (includes my experiemental CoreFoundation 
> reactor and support library)
> 	*Numeric-23.1-binary (compiled against Apple's vecLib, probably will 
> only work on G4/G5)
> 	PyOpenGL-2.1.05-binary (includes andrew's patch)
> 	pygame-1.5.6-binary (has some patches by me)
> 	Pyro-3.3beta-binary
> 	numarray-0.6.1-binary
> 	ZODB3-3.2b2-binary
> 	PythonCardPrototype-0.7.1-binary
> 	pycurl-7.10.5-binary  (linked static to newest libcurl, OS X 10.2.6 
> libcurl is too old)
> 	PyChecker-0.8.12-binary
> 	pygsear-0.47.1-binary
> 	*MySQL-python-0.9.2-binary (linked statically to MySQL client 
> libraries)
> 	*pyPgSQL-2.4-binary (linked statically to PgSQL client libraries)
> 	*Pyrex-0.8.2-binary (small fix to Nodes.py that allows import from 
> system header files)
> 	*LaunchServices-0.1-binary (my pythonic wrapper for Apple's Launch 
> Services)
> 	*PyXML-0.8.3-binary
> 	*metakit- (linked statically to metakit)
> 	*Lupy-
> 	*Pyndex-0.3.2a-binary
> 	*Reverend-0.2.3-binary
> 	*Quotient-0.5-binary
> I still haven't gotten around to making any "Extras" packages for 
> anything.
> I've managed to hobble together a copy of SciPy but it doesn't pass 
> all the tests.  I think this is something to do with the ATLAS I used 
> (I used one that someone else compiled, and it didn't have all the 
> symbols so I also linked in Apple's vecLib... so it's an ugly > monster).
> I plan on making a copy of bsddb3 that (maybe?) includes a static copy 
> of bsddb, since Jack didn't include it with MacPython.  Otherwise I'll 
> probably make a "deps" package that installs the beast.
> I took a look at piddle's QD renderer.. A couple quick hacks can get 
> rid of all the warnings, but the fact that you have to run a 
> Wapplication mainloop and the QDRotate module's source has been lost 
> makes me think that someone should just write a new/better one on top 
> of CoreGraphics and/or Cocoa.
> This is my current relatively-interested-in-hacking-or-packaging list 
> in no particular order:
> 	aeve (finish 0.0.3)
> 	bsddb3
> 	SciPy
> 	piddle (well, a good backend for OS X)
> 	python-ldap
> 	pyogg
> 	pyvorbis
> 	chaco (does this have a good OS X backend yet?)
> 	VTK
> 	Soya 3D
> If anyone has any requests for modules that aren't yet covered by 
> myself or Jack, let me know and I'll look into it.  When we get a wiki 
> this will be much easer to keep track of.

I went ahead and compiled bsddb3 and added it to my repository.  The 
version of bsddb in Jack's distribution of MacPython 2.3 is incomplete 
(not functional), because it is missing _bsddb.so.  My bsddb package 
consists of *only* _bsddb.so, which gets installed into site-packages 
so that the existing bsddb python package will find it.  I did it this 
way because sys.path puts site-packages *after* standard library, so 
it's not possible to override the python bits of it through standard 
means.  A _bsddb.so anywhere on sys.path does make the existing bsddb 
python package work.

_bsddb.so is linked statically with BerkeleyDB 4.1, so it has no 
additional dependencies.


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