[Pythonmac-SIG] Additional binary packages for Python2.3 on 10.2.6

Rob Managan managan at llnl.gov
Mon Sep 8 11:26:07 EDT 2003

>On Friday, Sep 5, 2003, at 21:31 America/New_York, Andrew Straw wrote:
>Apple's linking stuff is really.. peculiar, to say the least.  It's 
>more than a few mouthfuls to explain the how's and why's, but I know 
>my way around it far too well.  As far as ATLAS goes, vecLib links 
>in most or all of ATLAS (though the symbols aren't exported.. ugh), 
>and does some magic so it detects your CPU at runtime and links in 
>the proper optimizations for G3, G4, or G5 (in Panther, maybe the 
>latest seed of 10.2.x beta).  Which is really cool, and hard to do 
>on your own.
>>PPS Speaking of all the above leads me to a question you might be 
>>able to help me on-- I'd like to get back to the mainstream 
>>wxPython distros so I don't have to roll my own, but I think 
>>they're all compiled with libtiff libzip, libjpeg, and the like 
>>statically linked, which causes dynamic linking namespace conflicts 
>>with the libraries in use by PIL and pygame...  I remember you made 
>>a comment about the best way to deal with this on one of the 
>>mailing lists, but I couldn't quite translate it to this particular 
>>case.  (Probably just because I'm sitting here really trying to 
>>write up my thesis and not get too into the specifics of linking 
>>binary files on Mac OS X, which is so, so, so far from the 
>>neurophysiology of insect visual motion > detection!)
>This is the exact reason why I've said on multiple occasions "DO NOT 
>USE -undefined suppress -flat_namespace".  A lot of people still use 
>that crap for compatibility with old pythons, and it screws up the 
>whole deal for people like you who are using a sane version of 
>Python.  Chances are, the wx guys are using flat_namespace, so 
>you're pretty much screwed.  I'm pretty sure that my PackageManager 
>versions of PIL and pygame use two level namespaces and shouldn't 
>have this problem on their own.  Maybe it's time for me to roll my 
>own distro of wxPython that's compiled in a reasonable way?
Since I recently built the wxMac-2.4.1 ditributoin I checked this and 
they do use "-undefined suppress -flat_namespace" in the SHARED_LD 
macro which is what build the shared library.

may take a look at changing that.
Rob Managan               email managan at llnl.gov
LLNL                      phone: 925-423-0903
P.O. Box 808, L-095       FAX:   925-422-3389
Livermore, CA  94551-0808

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