[Pythonmac-SIG] Trying to track down a bug in BitTorrent for Mac OS 9

Phil phil at masstransfer.net
Tue Apr 13 16:50:09 EDT 2004

Jack Jansen wrote:

>> But for some reason, under OS 9, it takes an absurd amount of time --
>> something like 1 hour per 100 MB.

>My first guess is to check whether it has something to do with the lousy
>virtual memory implementation on MacOS9. [...]
>The tell-tale sign of this would be to check the memory usage of Python
>in the "About this macintosh" window. If that goes through the roof this
>may be your problem. [...]  another telltale sign of heavy VM use would be
>continuous disk activity (noise from the drive, flashing lights if you
>have an
>external drive).

Alas, neither of these signs seems to be happening -- the (internal, IDE)
disk doesn't sound like it's thrashing, and the PythonInterpreter doesn't
jump in memory usage at all -- it's using about 20% of a 23.2 MB memory

So...what's your second guess?  ;)

Thanks very much for your reply!  Let me know if I can supply any
additional information that might be useful.


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