[Pythonmac-SIG] socket.getaddrinfo problems

Dudley Carr dudley at cs.stanford.edu
Thu Apr 15 18:39:06 EDT 2004


I have an RSS reader written in Python that's performing poorly on OS X Panther. 
I've managed to track it down to getaddrinfo. I tried the same code on Windows 
with Python 2.3.3 and the look-ups are a fraction of what they are on OS X, so I 
don't believe it's a problem with my network configuration.

I've run the code snippet below several times on different domains with the same 
results. Can anyone else confirm the timings that I'm getting below?


 >>>import socket,time
 >>> def getaddrinfoTest(count):
...     for i in range(count):
...             start = time.time()
...             socket.getaddrinfo('yahoo.com', 80)
...             end = time.time()
...             print 'time =', end - start

 >>> getaddrinfoTest(20)
time = 0.191851854324
time = 3.05499100685
time = 5.86090803146
time = 11.3977048397
time = 0.239115953445
time = 0.263440847397
time = 0.304595947266
time = 0.296709060669
time = 0.2084441185
time = 0.248239040375
time = 0.26735496521
time = 0.137476205826
time = 0.342806100845
time = 8.5551700592
time = 1.53769421577
time = 3.022397995
time = 9.31026601791
time = 3.00104379654
time = 6.08663797379
time = 0.202562093735

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