[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app standalone options
Dethe Elza
delza at livingcode.org
Thu Dec 23 23:25:43 CET 2004
With regards to refactoring setup.py files, here is what I've been
using for several different apps. It has evolved as I've found new
The only things I have to change from app to app (at this point) are
the bits in ALL_CAPS at the beginning. I've been meaning to factor all
of this into something like a function + .cfg, but haven't gotten there
yet, so I just copy this into a new project and edit the few lines
that change.
Run with:
% python setup.py py2app
from distutils.core import setup
import py2app
NAME = 'Oblique Strategies'
SCRIPT = 'oblique.py'
VERSION = '0.3'
ID = 'oblique_strategies'
COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright 2004 Dethe Elza'
DATA_FILES = ['English.lproj', 'data', 'MainMenu.gsmarkup',
'MainWindow.gsmarkup', 'Credits.html']
plist = dict(
CFBundleIconFile = ICON,
CFBundleName = NAME,
CFBundleShortVersionString = ' '.join([NAME, VERSION]),
CFBundleGetInfoString = NAME,
CFBundleExecutable = NAME,
CFBundleIdentifier = 'org.livingcode.examples.%s' % ID,
NSHumanReadableCopyright = COPYRIGHT
app_data = dict(script=SCRIPT, plist=plist)
py2app_opt = dict(frameworks=['Renaissance.framework'],)
options = dict(py2app=py2app_opt,)
data_files = DATA_FILES,
app = [app_data],
options = options,
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