[Pythonmac-SIG] Let's discuss MacPython distributions for january

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Fri Dec 24 10:13:42 CET 2004

On 24-dec-04, at 1:01, Bob Ippolito wrote:
> +1 for the administrator privileged in-place patch to 10.3.x's 2.3.0 
> (can/should be just an installer .pkg), the runtime hack is gross and 
> this is a very controlled environment so I say let's just fix it in 
> the right place.

+1 from me too. IMHO it is unlikely that Apple will patch the Makefile 
in a future 10.3 release, which makes it safe to patch the file.

One reason for using the hack I posted earlier is that it makes it 
possible to store include-files outside of /System while keeping them 
visible for disutils. It also changes the default install path for 

> +1 for getting 2.4.1 and maybe 2.3.5 to build a usable destroot 
> framework for Darwinports.
> +0 for any patches to 2.3.x explicitly for Fink or Darwinports.  
> Darwinports uses -flat_namespace for 2.3.x,

That's lame. Do you know why they do that?

I'm -0 in doing patches for Fink or Darwinports.


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