[Pythonmac-SIG] More testers needed: Fix installer

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Mon Dec 27 17:31:57 CET 2004

Jack Jansen <Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl> writes:

> On 27-dec-04, at 15:04, Michael Hudson wrote:
>> Indeed you can, and it seems to work (tm) on Panther here, but I'm
>> *reasonably* sure you have chosen the wrong name for the package :)
> Yeah, consider that a working title. I may call it "The Installer that
> makes
> Apple-Installed Python on 10.3 build correct extension modules even
> after installing
> newer framework builds of Python".
> But suggestions for shorter names are welcome...

But 10.3 is Panther, not Jaguar, right?


  There's an aura of unholy black magic about CLISP.  It works, but
  I have no idea how it does it.  I suspect there's a goat involved
  somewhere.                     -- Johann Hibschman, comp.lang.scheme

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