[Pythonmac-SIG] BuildApplet in next distro of MacPython?

Kevin Walzer sw at wordtech-software.com
Wed Dec 29 19:40:21 CET 2004

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Bob Ippolito wrote:

| If you give up on reporting issues and whatnot with py2app it's not ever
| going to suit your needs.

I won't stop reporting bugs. Frankly, part of the issue is that I don't
have time to learn py2app deeply. At some point in the near future, I'm
going to drill more deeply into it.

| Adding dependencies by hand is really sketchy.  In order to do it right,
| it basically has to be all or nothing (until py2app has an interactive
| mode anyway).  Right now py2app's "nothing" option is not portable to
| other machines.  However since py2app alias bundles are so quick to
| create and the output is so small you can just make one at the
| destination machine.  Which of course, already has "everything",
| including py2app.

Perhaps I wasn't clear. I don't add *any* dependencies except those that
~ come with the application itself: i.e. I simply copy the directory
structure of the application (wxGlade, Pears, what have you) into the
app bundle. Any external libraries such as wxPython have to be installed
separately by the end user.


| Since you were unwilling to even post the results of my suggestion
| yesterday, implicating me in "neither he nor I could figure out..." is a
| bad way to put it.  Basically, you haven't yet done anything beyond your
| initial message to help me figure it out, and are throwing your hands up
| because I didn't immediately know what kind of craziness is involved in
| Eric3 and how that affects py2app off the top of my head.

Yes, you're right, and I apologize for my tone there. Please attribute
that to a hastily scribbled e-mail. Here's what I should have said:

"The build died. Bob gave me a few suggestions to try, none of which I
was able to make work. I contacted the developer of Eric3 to find out
what module was missing, and he said it was specifically part of Eric3.
~ I haven't had time to drill more deeply into how to this module
integrated into the build."

| That said, the way to solve this problem is to create a setup.py and
| tweak the includes option until the application has everything it
| needs.  Write down which modules you had to add, and then figure out why
| the heck they were missing.  If it turns out that this happened due to
| something in PyQt, not the application, then I can make py2app
| automatically work around whatever stupid import trick caused this to
| fail for PyQt from the recipe that currently deals with other
| sip-specific garbage.

OK. This is what I will do--when I have a bit more time. Going through
that effort will get me better acquainted with py2app.


| py2app is a better choice than BuildApplet for PyOxide.  Adding support
| for BuildApplet before or in addition to py2app seems backwards.  Adding
| support for alias mode is definitely important for something like
| PyOxide, which would suit your use case (aside from machine
| portability), and machine portability with a stupid bundle isn't really
| very useful or important, as I mentioned above.
| Perhaps in the future py2app will have a mode similar to alias mode that
| makes the stupidest dependency-free "self-contained" bundle that could
| possibly work (locally), but I am still unconvinced that this is more
| useful than dangerous and confusing.
| -bob

If "save as applet" from PythonIDE is as non-portable as you say, I'm
curious why I haven't gotten any bug reports on the apps I've built that
way. I do try to make the external dependencies (MacPython add-ons,
wxPython, Tk, PyQt) explicit, and I do provide links for folks to
download and install them. Perhaps that's the reason?

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