[Pythonmac-SIG] hi, everybody!

Alex Martelli aleaxit at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 5 06:49:08 EST 2004

Hi there, folks -- I just joined this mailing list.  I'm quite experienced 
with Python (and other programming languages and technologies, and
Unix-y systems in general, including BSD dialects), but a total newbie 
to the Mac, having just bought my very first ever for Christmas (12" iBook 
G4 -- I think I've installed all current SW and upgrades, incl. OSX 10.3.2, 
the latest Apple developer tools, fink, Apple's X11 1.0, TclTkAqua, 
MacPython and everything in the standard package db, etc, etc).  I'm
slowly starting to learn about the dazzling arrays of new-to-me
technologies.  Can anybody suggests a good tutorial/with/examples
for me to learn to use Python for OSA/AppleScript tasks?  I'd rather
learn as little as possible about AppleScript itself as a language, but
I assume I'll have to learn & understand at least something about
"AppleEvents" and the like.  Thanks!


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