[Pythonmac-SIG] Pack Man issues on OS X 10.3.4

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Jun 4 22:22:52 EDT 2004

On Jun 4, 2004, at 10:13 PM, Jonathan Wight wrote:

> On Jun 04, 2004, at 19:44, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> On Jun 4, 2004, at 7:14 PM, Markus W. Weissmann wrote:
>> Mostly speaking from Fink experience, it feels like a different 
>> operating system than Darwin because it has a lot of overlap with the 
>> base system.  I don't typically want to install a marginally newer 
>> version of something like libxml2 if I don't have to.  It also 
>> requires a bootstrap script to be used.. so you essentially have two 
>> modes of operation at the shell, depending on whether or not you want 
>> to run Fink apps and/or link to Fink libraries.
>> I like DarwinPorts a lot better, in theory anyway, but I really 
>> haven't needed any ports from it... so I don't have real experience 
>> using it.  I do have experience with other BSD ports collections 
>> (mostly OpenBSD).
> I've been using DarwinPorts a lot recently. Mainly as a quick way to 
> install and upgrade Subversion and a handful of libraries (libxml2, 
> sqlite) that I need during my day job developing (Cocoa) software. I 
> switched to DarwinPorts from Fink a year ago mainly because Fink just 
> grated on me and because Jordan Hubbard is one of the leaders on the 
> DarwinPorts project - I was hoping DarwinPorts would be more 
> 'mac-like' than Fink.
> On the whole it is a nice system, you certainly can't beat "port 
> install svn". It seems to have a broad selection of packages available 
> and configuration of new packages is straight-forward (unfortunately 
> it is tightly bound to TCL).

For a while, I would compile+install my own svn.. but ever since Martin 
Ott started releasing nice statically compiled binaries, I've been 
using those since: http://codingmonkeys.de/mbo/

It doesn't get you the svn Apache module, but then again, you don't 
have Apache 2 by default anyway.  He also seems to be within a day or 
two of subversion releases, which is more than good enough for me.

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