[Pythonmac-SIG] Package Manager questions

Tom Pollard mlpollard at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 7 09:54:15 EDT 2004


Three questions:

(1) I went to try to use the MacPython 2.3 PackageManager on my fully  
upgraded MacOSX 10.3 system today and got the error message that

    Cannot open  
    HTTP Error 404: Not Found

Other people have reported this problem, I believe, so why can't we put  
in a symlink on the server so that
"darwin-7.4.0" maps to the appropriate address?

(2) The MacPython PackageManager page doesn't make it clear which URLs  
are appropriate for MacOSX 10.3 users and which (if any) aren't.

(3) Are there any packages up at the undefined.org URL that can't be  
built from source (that is, that required some unchecked-in changes for  
MacOS X)?



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