[Pythonmac-SIG] icons?

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Tue Jun 22 13:50:37 EDT 2004

Michael Hudson wrote:

>  > Just been doing icon artwork for Distutils-GUI, and it occurred to me
>  > to ask if MacPython 2.4 could use some fresh icons?
>You mean you susbscribed to this list *after* the immense flamewar
>that happened last time this got mentioned <wink>?

Oh, goody...

>The Standard Objections to your icon, btw, are: (a) "Python" is named
>after "Monty Python", not the snake,

<points to PyOXIDE> Look-look! They did it first!


Sure it's a cliché, but it's a _cute_ cliché. Think of it as a form 
of shorthand (it's a bit tight trying to fit the fine Messers Cleese, 
Palin, et-al onto a desktop icon, even at OS X's mighty 128x128:). 
Also happy to knock up non reptile-related illustrations if folk have 
any preferences.

>and (b) some people really hate snakes.

You mean Perl users? <ducks>


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