Re. [Pythonmac-SIG] talkingpanda installer - PyObjC experience
hengist.podd at
Wed Jun 30 08:26:36 EDT 2004
>>As always, I'm open to suggestions, requests, assistance, etc.
>You should use aeve instead of writing AEM. It does all of the low
>level stuff in a very strict and predictable way that's entirely
>separate from application terminologies. I'll probably be cleaning
>stuff up and making a release in the next few weeks.
AEM's the easy bit (it's mostly done already) - it's getting all the
appscript stuff that sits on top just right that's going to take the
time. I'm mostly resolving the architecture as I go. Performance
sumps in the application terminology system also need addressed and
the custom terminology question needs resolved; probably going to be
a redesign and rewrite in there. And I've still to figure out how to
support handling of incoming events, probably requiring some
preliminary work on the Python Scripting framework to see how it's
all going to fit together.
I'll certainly take a look at your next aeve release, though unless
it's much simplified from 0.4.0 I probably won't get very far; aside
from really disliking its object specifier handling, 0.4.0's code is
just too dense and complex for me to follow. e.g. AEM's codecs module
is ~170LOC, most of which is one-line lambdas; I think aeve takes
something like 700LOC and lots of classes to provide basic type
conversions. (Though I'd be interested to hear why you decided to do
it that way.)
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