[Pythonmac-SIG] What's installed by default on Jaguar?

Glenn Andreas gandreas at delver.com
Mon May 24 22:58:15 EDT 2004

So I just noticed that on a recently clean install of Jaguar (with 
the latest patches, incuding BSD "optional" install, but no developer 
tools installed), PyOXIDE wouldn't work correctly.  I eventually 
narrowed it down to the fact that I couldn't import objc.  I thought 
this was part of Python.framework by default, but apparently not.

So I went to packman to install it.  I could have sworn there was a 
nice little icon & stand alone verison of it, but couldn't find that 
either.  Eventually I used the shell to go to (IIRC) 
and directly opened PackageManager.py using pythonw.  It doesn't work 
either - it can't import waste.  Can't launch the IDE there - again, 
no waste.

Looking in /Library/Python/2.3 all that's in there is a README that 
says what it is there for (but no information on where to get more 
stuff).  On a machine that's been updated over the years to 10.3 
/Library/Python/2.3 has both _tkinter.so and waste.so (I remember 
installing _tkinter.so using PackMan - obviously I didn't install 
waste.so with PackMan because, well, PackMan doesn't run without it).

So how does one install waste.so in the first place? (I ended up 
using pimp.py to manually install PyObjC binary and that works, but I 
didn't see waste on the list of packages - if I didn't read this 
mailing list I would have never known to try that).

Glenn Andreas                      gandreas at gandreas.com
mondo blobbo, Cythera, Theldrow, oh my!
Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know

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