[Pythonmac-SIG] How to debug?

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Fri May 28 02:05:18 EDT 2004

On 28-mei-04, at 6:40, Lance Boyle wrote:

> While we're on the subject--If writing with PyObjC in Xcode, can the 
> Xcode debugger be used on the Python code?

No, the Xcode debugger is for (Objective-)C(++) code only. It can be 
used to debug PyObjC itself, but that is of limited use for the 
population of this list :-)

> Jerry
> On May 26, 2004, at 5:03 PM, Pierre Thibault wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to debug my code in Python. So I am looking for a 
>> debugger. I would like to use IDLE but I am unable to start it 
>> properly. Is it working on OS X?
>> I would like to know what tools people are using for this purpose. I 
>> am looking for a free alternative because I am student.
>> If you like, you can tell the other tools you are using for Python 
>> programming. This will give idea.
>> Thank you.
>> ---------------------
>> Pierre
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