[Pythonmac-SIG] scrapp-0.1.0

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Sat Oct 2 00:27:14 CEST 2004

Hi folks,

First version of scrapp, a simple SCRiptable APPlication framework, 
uploaded for your viewing pleasure:


Also requires aem-0.3.1 and osaterminology-0.2.1; see:


Basic documentation is done, plus a couple of examples, but still 
lacking AppleScripter-friendly installation instructions, explanation 
of how it works, background info on MacPython, other examples, etc. 
Also can't decide if I should do detailed explanation or a tutorial 
walkthrough, though I'm inclining more to the latter - what do folk 
think? If the latter, do you think the TextCommands app would be a 
suitable project, or should I create a series of very simple, fairly 
abstract projects, each one demonstrating a single aspect of its use?

Comments and suggestions, please.


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