[Pythonmac-SIG] #! line and simple dialogs [SOLVED]

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Sat Oct 2 04:39:43 CEST 2004

On Oct 1, 2004, at 10:28 PM, Bill Janssen wrote:

>> You may want to take a look at py2app (which is basically
>> usable at this point, unless you depend on a funky package like PIL or
>> pygame):
> Come on, Bob, PIL is hardly unusual.  I'd say py2app isn't really
> usable if it can't handle PIL and its ilk.  Perhaps for AppleScript
> replacements, though.

I was referring to its *implementation*, not its popularity or utility.

PIL does some ridiculous things in order to find its plugins, which 
makes it impossible to determine its dependencies without special code 
that knows that PIL wants every possible module that ends with 
"ImagePlugin".  It is in no way compatible with the way that 
modulefinder works.

pygame refers to several data files, which is another behavior that 
modulefinder does not support.

In either case they will work once I add the code that allows you to 
include a package as-is, but that code has not yet been written.

Currently, properly written packages (even with dylib or framework 
dependencies) should work just fine (wxPython, Tkinter, PyObjC, etc.).  
Tkinter and PyObjC are tested, wxPython is not.


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