[Pythonmac-SIG] Trying to make an app

Steven Palm n9yty at n9yty.com
Thu Oct 7 04:30:43 CEST 2004

On Oct 6, 2004, at 9:07 PM, Steven Palm wrote:
>  Finally, back to a real basic question...
>  Is there a way in the script which contains the setup() call to 
> actually have it build the bundle without having to specifically 
> provide the py2app parameter on the command line? BitPim uses a 
> "makedist.py" file to build for all three platforms, and in the past 
> you would just issue "python makedist.py" to build it, it would be 
> nice if you didn't have to give the Mac additional parameters.  I see 
> Roger is using py2exe to build the Windows version, but he has a 
> sub-config file and is spawning a subshell from makedist.py with a new 
> python interpreter to run it. That seems ugly. ;-)

  I found an answer to this one:

setup( data_files = [ ('resources', data_files) ], options = opts,  app 
= ap
p, script_args = ("py2app",) )

  Just passing it along for the archives.

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