[Pythonmac-SIG] appscript

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Sun Oct 17 10:31:32 CEST 2004

Jack Jansen wrote:

>On 16 Oct 2004, at 23:13, Kevin Walzer wrote:
>  > This has brought me, though, to what is perhaps a dumb question: is the
>  > purpose of appscript to render AppleScript commands in Python syntax?
>  > I'm a bit confused on this point.
>  >
>  > I'm approaching this question from the perspective of Tcl, where it's
>  > possible to drop into AppleScript directly (if you have the
>  > TclAppleScript extension installed) using this command/syntax:
>  >
>  >
>  > AppleScript execute {
>  >	tell application "foo"
>  >		do foo
>  >	end tell
>  > }
>  >
>  > One can do something similar in a shell script, if I'm not mistaken,
>  > via
>  > osascript (something like <<EOF osascript -"blah blah blah"<<EOF
>That's fine for simple scripts, but it breaks as soon as you want to
>communicate data.

Yep. The shell lacks datatypes: everything basically has to be 
handled as strings. Which is fine for Tcl which does this anyway, but 
for typed languages like AS and Python it means a lot of work in 
converting non-text input and output.

You can also execute OSA scripts (including AppleScript) from Python 
using the osax module's runscript() function. This supports non-text 
input and output.

Main problem with both approaches: they rely on pre-written 
AppleScript scripts, or code generators to generate AS source, to get 
anything done. It would be much nicer to write _everything_ in pure 
Python - which is what appscript lets you do.

>What AppScript does (like gensuitemodule and aeve
>before it) is expose the full OSA object model to Python. This allows
>you to use the power of Python to do things that are pretty much
>impossible in a "little language" like AppleScript.

What Jack says: appscript hooks into the same IAC APIs as AppleScript 
uses. (Cuts out the middleman, so to speak.:)

>As a somewhat contrived example (can't think of a non-contrived one
>right now:-): think of a script that asks iTunes for the contents of
>your music library and formats that as an HTML page. With AppScript and
>Python this is probably 20 lines or so. With only a construct like
>"AppleScript execute" it'll be much longer due to all the parsing of
>the script output you have to do. With standalone AppleScript I don't
>even want to ponder the question;-)


(includes a demo, iTunesToWeb)


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