[Pythonmac-SIG] PyQt-Mac project

Jack Jansen Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl
Sun Oct 24 21:36:50 CEST 2004

On 23 Oct 2004, at 21:48, Kevin Walzer wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi everyone,
> I've gotten some good feedback on my build of PyQt and Eric3--it seems
> like there's a fair amount of interest. Given this, I'd like to put
> together a package for download somewhere. The bandwidth on my server 
> is
> too small for such a large download (it may top 100 megabytes), so I'd
> like to put it at a more central location.
> Sourceforge is an obvious place, but I'd also like to include the
> MacPython add-ons in the bundle--just so everyone only has to do one
> download. Jack, would you have a problem with my doing this, and then
> putting everything at Sourceforge? Or should I just put up a link to 
> the
> MacPython download, as Robin Dunn does with wxPython?

I have no problems with you including the MacPython additions, as long 
as (a) you make very clear which version it is (second build, 
currently) and (b) tell people where it came from, and where they 
should check for upgrades.

But personally I'm more interested in the reverse situation: I already 
have Python and the additions, including Package Manager, and I want to 
install PyQt (and possibly Eric3).

I'd like to make this accessible through the Package Manager, even if 
it is going to be a mostly-manual process (at least for PyQt, don't 
know about Eric3) as which wxPython. So an installer that only installs 
your PyQt build and another one that installs only Eric3 would be very 
welcome. And, of course, if either or both of these could be 
distutils-based I would be really happy;-)
Jack Jansen, <Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

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