[Pythonmac-SIG] Building packages

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Tue Apr 26 11:27:03 CEST 2005

On Apr 26, 2005, at 5:09 AM, konrad.hinsen at laposte.net wrote:

> I have both Apple's Python 2.3 and MacPython 2.4.1 installed on my 
> machine, both with some add-on packages from pythonmac.org. I had 
> noticed when installing them that the packages for Python 2.3 and 
> Python 2.4 have identical names, meaning that the second one to be 
> installed is treated as an "upgrade" by the installer. However, that 
> seemed merely a cosmetical nuisance: both versions are installed, but 
> only the last one installed can be traced in /Library/Receipts.

This was fixed in r455 (Apr 1st)... I'm not sure if it made the 0.1.9 
release or not (it happened at about the same time), but it's been on 
the trunk for weeks.

> However, with py2app the conflict seems more serious: both have 
> /usr/local/bin/bdist_mpkg, using different Python versions. It seems 
> thus that I can build packages for only one Python installation at a 
> time, having to reinstall py2app to build packages for the other one. 
> I am rather sure that sooner or later I will make a mistake somewhere.
> One workaround would be to rename bdist_mpkg and then install the 
> other one, but that would work only if the executable script is the 
> only conflicting file. I don't see any easy way to verify this, I 
> would have to go through the file lists of both packages.
> Does anyone have a better solution?

I do something equivalent to this (where both python installations have 
a pth file pointing to the src directory of py2app svn trunk, and the 
scripts dir of py2app is in my PATH):

python2.4 `which bdist_mpkg` -z
python2.3 `which bdist_mpkg` -z

... then I move dist/*.zip to the right place, generate md5 checksums, 
edit the data file that generates the html, run a script that makes new 
html and then does rsync over ssh to the server.  Generally I'll do my 
own installation by downloading from the web site and installing that 
to make sure it works (but I only really test python 2.4 packages these 


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