[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: IDE for wxPython

Troy Rollins troy.rollins at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 04:16:24 CET 2005

> If wxPython is the toolkit you settle on, check out Stani's Python
> Editor (SPE): it's built with wxPython and is a nice overall package.
> The core IDE includes an editor and syntax checker, but it also includes
> ~ wxGlade (a GUI designer), Kiki (regular expressions), and some other
> goodies. I have just become the Mac maintainer for it and have a package
> available at http://www.wordtech-software.com/spe.html . There's a new
> version just out, which I haven't updated yet, but hope to in the next
> day or so.

Thanks, I've tried this tool, and even got the wordtech binary (at
different times). It looks to be pretty close, but still has some
problems, though I wasn't logging them, mostly just installing,
running, quick feature evaluation, moving on...

I'll be interested to see the update.

> If you're interested in PyQt, I also have a binary installer of that,
> including the Eric3 IDE--it's very nice and somewhat more mature than
> SPE--at http://www.wordtech-software.com/pyqt-mac.html

Yes, I've seen that too, and it is an interesting idea, but IIRC
Trolltech QT is quite expensive, no? Once Python takes its part in
paying the bills, I'll be more able to look at that stuff. Currently,
my company makes virtually ALL of our income off of Director and
Flash, but I'm getting tired of having my wagon hitched quite so
tightly to Macromedia. I need to know that I have open source

> Welcome!

Thank you. I'll apologize in advance for being a pest, but eventually
I hope to contribute something.

Incidentally, I think wordtech is doing a good job of making binary
installers availble. That is important to us Mac users who have been
shielded from terminal syntax for most of our lives! While I love the
fact that we have a unix terminal now, I still don't know my way
around it very well yet. Now Lingo... that I know.  ;-)
Troy Rollins

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