bgen and gensuitemodule (was: [Pythonmac-SIG] How do you find the app that matches a creator type)

has hengist.podd at
Sat Feb 12 01:30:51 CET 2005

Bob wrote:

>I think that some of bgen's parsing capabilities are going to fall 
>apart when/if Universal Headers go away, because the new style 
>headers use integer constants rather than four character codes in 
>the cases where it is necessary to keep the source files as ASCII.

This wouldn't be why is missing about half the OSA API, would 
it? (I've also found 2 broken functions so far.) I'd fill in the gaps 
by hand and submit a full patch, only there doesn't seem much point 
if it then needs rewritten again to bgenify it.

>gensuitemodule has some pretty severe limitations, but I think that 
>appscript is a suitable replacement...

Not a backwards-compatible replacement so while gsm, aetools, etc. 
are certainly ripe for a sound deprecating in 2.4 I don't think they 
could be banished outright just yet. Although I doubt there's very 
many legacy scripts that use gsm, aetools, etc., so if they do break 
any time thereafter then I don't think there'd be too much tears shed.

>though I still use aeve in my product because I understand it, my 
>requirements are simple, and it can do asynchronous events with 

I'm wide open to feature requests, criticisms, code reviews, etc. on 
aem. Especially aem.receive, which hasn't had much attention and is 
due for revision, though aem.send also needs assessed on more 
advanced features like asynchronous messaging, which is stuff you're 
a lot more familiar with than me.

I would _really_ like to get its API and implementation locked down 
now, partly cos it's been dragging on for over a year now but also 
because I'd like to start flogging it to other language camps as a 
template to follow in bringing their own AE support up to scratch. 
(So far I've had a mention of interest from the Io camp and just run 
into a Lisper who might also be sellable on it. Plus I'd really like 
to approach Ruby, ObjC and Java folk as it could make some excellent 
killings there.) So any input at this point would be a serious help 
for me, and will be to everyone's benefit in the long run.



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