[Pythonmac-SIG] Mac User Python Newbies

Just van Rossum just at letterror.com
Sun Feb 13 20:29:30 CET 2005

Bob Ippolito wrote:

> > Another fun project is DrawBot by Just, it's a Proce55ing like
> > program to learn about graphics.
> Yeah, DrawBot <http://drawbot.grafitron.com/> is really cool. 

Note that this is an unofficial fork that is NOT endorsed by me. In fact
I have told the guy last week he has to stop calling that DrawBot. I'll
be releasing a new version soon. Here's a alpha-ish version:


Erik van Blokland has been working on a new DrawBot site:


It's not finished, but you'll get an idea of where we're heading.

> It has syntax highlighting and a very quick edit/run cycle :) 

As does the original DrawBot.

> However, it doesn't "scale up" to writing anything but little DrawBot
> scripts. It's a fun learning tool though.

Yup. That's all it's meant to be.


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