[Pythonmac-SIG] self-instantiating instances in pyhton

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Thu Jan 13 00:49:00 CET 2005

Rayme Jernigan wrote:

>I'm looking for a language to abuse for a project I'm working on. I
>know a little Python, but I do not know if it can do this: I'd like to
>define some class "N" that instantiates objects that can instantiate
>fresh new objects of that same class... without external controller

This the sort of thing you mean?

class _Base:
	def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):
		return self.__class__(*args, **kargs)

class Foo(_Base):

class Bar(_Base):

f = Foo()
b = Bar()
print f, f()
print b, b()



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