[Pythonmac-SIG] accessing my modules from within Python

Larry Meyn Larry.A.Meyn at nasa.gov
Sun Jan 16 17:49:39 CET 2005

On Jan 15, 2005, at 6:43 PM, Kirk Durston wrote:

> I'm just starting to learn Python. When I write a module in one of my 
> text programs (MSWord, or Textedit) and save it as a text file in on 
> my harddrive, and then go to the terminal window to import it, I get a 
> message

Just a quick note, there are much better editor alternatives to 
TextEdit and Word.  The free TextWrangler 2.0 
<http://www.barebones.com/products/textwrangler/index.shtml>  from 
BareBones is a very good programming editor does syntax highlighting.  
There is also the MacPython IDE 
<http://homepages.cwi.nl/~jack/macpython/download.html>  and PyOxide 
IDE <http://projects.gandreas.com/pyoxide/>.

> saying it either can't find the file or can't open it. I do put the 
> .py suffix on when I save the module, but no success. I have been 
> saving my modules in different places, the last of which was in 
> library/python/2.3/sitepackages ... no success. The test module I’ve 
> written is called bogus.py

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