[Pythonmac-SIG] Python+Automator?

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Sun Jan 23 15:29:25 CET 2005

Hey all,

Just reading up on Automator development 
<http://developer.apple.com/macosx/tiger/automator.html> and 
wondering if the MacPython community (or anyone in it) has any plans 
to 0wnz0r it yet? Like providing a 'Python Automator Action' template 
for Xcode, flogging a nice introductory 'Developing Automator Actions 
with Python' article to online tech sites like O'Reilly, making 
themselves a presence on Automator mailing lists and forums when they 
arrive, etc.

With Tiger arriving soon, seems like a grand opportunity for someone 
with a pre-release build and a hankering for MacPython evangelism to 
get in at the head of the rush and mop the floor with the 
competition. :)



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