[Pythonmac-SIG] Where to go for wxPython help & tutorials?

Marcus Mendenhall marcus.h.mendenhall at vanderbilt.edu
Thu Jun 16 23:26:05 CEST 2005


To take you on an altogether different tack for plotting scientific  
data sets in a nice interactive window, have you tried xmgrace and  
the graceplot package, which allows you to easily send data from a  
python program to xmgrace?  Once the data have been sent, the  
formatting of the graph can be nicely set with the xmgrace GUI graph  
tools, or loaded from a pre-saved grace parameter file.

I use this combination quite a bit, and it is a fast, easy way to get  
from python to publication-quality output, or just to quick & dirty  

Marcus Mendenhall
Vanderbilt University FEL Center

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