[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app fails with 'optimize'

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Wed Mar 16 09:03:59 CET 2005

On Mar 16, 2005, at 2:44 AM, Roger Binns wrote:

>> There are other bug fixes and enhancements, and if you don't help me 
>> test svn then the next release might be broken for your purposes.
> I am perfectly happy with the current release :-)
> Generally I don't run beta/test versions unless they are packaged
> up in such a way that they are trivial to (un)install, and trivial
> to get back to the old version.  For example, Robin does that
> with wxPython release candidates.

Since py2app requires no "installation" process, it's rather trivial.

Install svn trunk (works whether or not py2app is already installed):

# download/install subversion from <http://www.codingmonkeys.de/mbo/> 
if you don't already have it.  You should, it rocks.
mkdir ~/src
mkdir -p ~/Library/Python/2.3/site-packages
svn co http://svn.red-bean.com/bob/py2app/trunk ~/src/py2app
echo "$HOME/src/py2app" > /Library/Python/2.3/py2app.pth
# optionally add ~/src/py2app/scripts to your PATH

Update to current release:
svn up ~/src/py2app

Uninstall (restores existing py2app):

rm -rf ~/src/py2app
# if not restoring existing py2app, rm this file instead
echo py2app > /Library/Python/2.3/py2app.pth


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