[Pythonmac-SIG] libpython2.4 for OS X?

Tom Loredo loredo at astro.cornell.edu
Sat Apr 8 01:21:20 CEST 2006

Quoting Bob Ippolito <bob at redivi.com>:

Thanks for the input, Bob.

> Frameworks are dynamic libraries (technically MH_DYLIB on OS X), but  
> they do not follow the same naming scheme, so they're not going to  
> get picked up by a typical dumb configure-search.
> If you wanted, you could make something look like the appropriate dylib:
> % sudo ln -s ../Python /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/ 
> Current/lib/libpython2.4.dylib
> Then you'd add Python's lib and include dir to that path.

The person who is maintaining RSPython clearly didn't have full
cross-platform capability in mind; there were one or two other
things we had to fix via "ln -s" to get it to go as far as it did.

Here I'm not quite clear on what you are suggesting---I'm not
clear on where I should be when I "ln -s ../Python ..."  Somewhere
there is something called just "Python" that can be linked to
as if it were a .dylib?


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