[Pythonmac-SIG] Fwd: MacPython icon mockup

Paul Berkowitz berkowit at silcom.com
Sun Apr 9 17:20:30 CEST 2006

On 4/7/06 2:55 PM, "Kevin Ollivier" <kevino at theolliviers.com> wrote:

> Here is a 3D mock-
> up by Kenichi Yoshida (http://www.kenichiyoshida.jp/), who I've been
> working with on the icon.
> http://kevino.theolliviers.com/0406_macpython.jpg

Personally, I find it far, far too fussy and busy. All those little blocks
are bewildering, and awful. It's the opposite of what a good icon she be.
Sorry. I really think you'd be better off using the new Python icon as is,
or slightly "mac-ified". I'm not really "one of you" yet, but that's how it
strikes this outsider.

Paul Berkowitz

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