[Pythonmac-SIG] needed: simple gui toolkit with "japanese input" support

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Mon Apr 10 20:29:30 CEST 2006

On Apr 10, 2006, at 11:04 AM, gabor wrote:

> Dethe Elza wrote:
>> On 4/10/06, Gábor Farkas <gabor at nekomancer.net> wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> i'd like to write a simple python-mac application,
>>> for which i need to choose a gui toolkit.
>> The primary GUI toolkit for Mac-specific work is to use Cocoa via the
>> PyObjC bridge.
>> http://pyobjc.sourceforge.net/
>>> the problem is that i need to be able to enter japanese text,
>>> for example with tkinter it is not possible.
>> I imagine that Tkinter works if you use the system input methods, but
>> I haven't tested it.
> i tried. i simply cut&pasted a small Tkinter program with a textfield
> (Entry object) from a webpage and tried it. but it was not able to
> "accept" japanese characters.
>>> i know that using pyobjc and doing directly cocoa would work,
>>> but last time i checked it it seemed quite complicated.
>> What was complicated about it?  It's hard to help without further  
>> information.
> sorry. i should have written it more specifically.
> all those "objc-specific" things make it look complicated imho.
> look at:
> http://svn.red-bean.com/pyobjc/trunk/pyobjc/Examples/Scripts/ 
> HelloWorld.py
> "
> delegate = AppDelegate.alloc().init()
> NSApp().setDelegate_(delegate)
> "
> and things like that. i understand that there's just no other way  
> if one
> wants to use the "raw" mac-api, but i'd prefer something "higher- 
> level".

This is the raw API, not the high level.  Don't look at any of the  
scripts examples, you need to be looking at the examples that use  
Interface Builder.  The tutorial is a much better place to start.


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