[Pythonmac-SIG] weak-link libraries problem

Saggau saggau at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 04:54:41 CEST 2006

One way to say what I'm thinking:

There might be another way around this.  It's another way of using two
modules, which might not be desirable, but not quite the "two versions of
the same thing, one with expanded functionality" type.  Instead, it's "Two
different (and more basic/plain-Jane) library wrappers, one wrapping just
the third party code functionality and one wrapping just my code
functionality."  You can then test for the existence of the third party code
wrapper module and make your python code behave accordingly.

Another way:

You could build one wrapper module that is only the third party stuff and
one that is only your code.  Then you could use two imports in your python
code, setting a variable or just testing whether to use the "with extras"
version of your python code or the "stripped down" version.  That way, you
can ship either load both bundles or the one bundle depending on what the
user's system has.  Am I making any sense?  I suspect not.

the Pseudo-broken pythonic way to say it:

<code> #sorta
   import MyThirdPartyModuleWrapper #corresponding to MyThirdPartyModule.so
   import MyPythonCodeThatUsesTheThirdPartyModuleWrapper as MyPythonCode
except ImportError:
   import MyPythonCodeThatDoesntUseTheThirdPartyModule as MyPythonCode

in both MyPythonCodeThatDoesntUseTheThirdPartyModule.py and
MyPythonCodeThatUsesTheThirdPartyModuleWrapper.py you would:
<code> #sorta
import MyCodeThatIsntThirdParty #corresponding to

My-big-architectural-question (TM) is:

If you know you're either going to have to deal with ifndef etc etc in your
big module code or the equivalent test to see if the little third party
module is loaded in your python code.  Either way, you'll have to adjust
what you're doing somewhere in code.  I have found, with the caveat that I
have limited experience with this, that writing multiple very simple and
low-level loadable bundles / libraries with a thimbleful of functionality in
each and letting python be happily dynamic about what gets imported is
easier than trying to do the "I need to test if I can use this library or
not" in a big loadable bundle / library.

In other words, I know where I would rather write my most dynamic code.
Python.  :)  It's just easier to do there and I'm lazy.

Jonathan Saggau
PS - This is the really long version of what Bob just said here:
"Or strong-link to it in a separate extension that's only loaded if the
library is detected."
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