[Pythonmac-SIG] Fwd: MacPython icon mockup

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Thu Apr 20 11:42:34 CEST 2006

Brendan Simons wrote:

>> > They look great, but what the heck is "DATA"?
>>It was has's [idea][1] for what a .pyo/.pyc icons should look like, similar to how script editor allows saving of plain text .applescript files with an icon labeled "TEXT".
>>[1]: <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/pythonmac-sig/2006-April/016912.html>http://mail.python.org/pipermail/pythonmac-sig/2006-April/016912.html
>DATA is fine then I guess.

Nah, it was just one of many suggestions I floated. If the first reaction it elicits is 'what the heck?' then that's a powerful indication the idea's a bad one and should be dropped. Ditch it.

>The regular .py files should probably be badged "Python" as well,

I think that's overkill; you don't see other apps doing this sort of thing. Have some faith in your own material. :) Don't forget that file names will already have a '.py' suffix, so they're already in the boat with 99% of other OS X files that identify their type through their filename suffix.

(BTW, .py files should also identify themselves as 'Python scripts' when folk who don't know what '.py' means do a 'Get Info' in Finder. But I think IDLE's plist still needs to be set up correctly for that.)

>See my last email.  Yeah, the potential for lameness is there, but maybe you can do something with it.
>>Also, does anyone have anyone have any suggestions for the glassy python logo before I go ahead and make a bunch more icons based on it?
>I like it, but Aqua has tuned down a lot its glassiness in recent years.   I would tone down the difference between highlights and shadows myself, but I'm not going to argue about it :)

I would agree with the glassiness maybe being overdone; it's become a bit of a cliché over the last few years thanks to OS X. "Lickability" is so 2002. :)

It might be handy to compare versions with 2D-snakes and 3D-snakes side by side (the tonal gradient on the 2D version may need nudged up a fraction to make it pop a bit more against the backdrop). Perhaps with a third 50% version to compare too.



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